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Upper Klamath and Lost River Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling

Project Reports

image: Doppler_install.jpg
Installation of acoustic Doppler instrument
(Photo by M. Stewart, 4-Jun-2008)
Reports resulting from this project will be listed here as they are published and become available.

Sullivan, A.B. and Rounds, S.A., 2020, Modeling a 2- and 4-foot drawdown in the Link River to Keno Dam reach of the Upper Klamath River, south-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5001, 18 p., doi: 10.3133/sir20205001
[Available online at]

Sullivan, A.B., and Rounds, S.A., 2018, Modeling hydrodynamics, water temperature, and water quality in Klamath Straits Drain, Oregon and California, 2012-15: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5134, 30 p., doi: 10.3133/sir20185134
[Available online at]

Sullivan, A.B., and Rounds, S.A., 2016, Modeling water quality, temperature, and flow in Link River, south-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1146, 31 p.
[Available online at]

Sullivan, A.B., Sogutlugil, I.E., Deas, M.L., and Rounds, S.A., 2014, Water-quality modeling of Klamath Straits Drain recirculation, a Klamath River wetland, and 2011 conditions for the Link River to Keno Dam reach of the Klamath River, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1185, 75 p.
[Available online at]

Sullivan, A.B., Sogutlugil, I.E., Rounds, S.A., and Deas, M.L., 2013, Modeling the water-quality effects of changes to the Klamath River upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5135, 60 p.
[Available online at]

Sullivan, A.B., Rounds, S.A., Asbill-Case, J.R., and Deas, M.L., 2013, Macrophyte and pH buffering updates to the Klamath River water-quality model upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5016, 52 p.
[Available online at]

Sullivan, A.B., Rounds, S.A., Deas, M.L., and Sogutlugil, I.E., 2012, Dissolved oxygen analysis, TMDL model comparison, and particulate matter shunting--Preliminary results from three model scenarios for the Klamath River upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1101, 30 p.
[Online at]

Sullivan, A.B., Rounds, S.A., Deas, M.L., Asbill, J.R., Wellman, R.E., Stewart, M.A., Johnston, M.W., and Sogutlugil, I.E., 2011, Modeling hydrodynamics, water temperature, and water quality in the Klamath River upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon, 2006-09: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5105, 70 p.
[Online at]

Sullivan, A.B., Snyder, D.M., and Rounds, S.A., 2010, Controls on biochemical oxygen demand in the upper Klamath River, Oregon: Chemical Geology, v. 269, no. 1-2, p. 12-21, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.08.007.
[Online at
 A PDF also is available here.]

Poulson, S.R. and Sullivan, A.B., 2010, Assessment of diel chemical and isotopic techniques to investigate biogeochemical cycles in the upper Klamath River, Oregon, USA: Chemical Geology, v. 269, no. 1-2, p. 3-11, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.05.016.
[Online at,
 or you may contact for a copy.]

Sullivan, A.B., Deas, M.L., Asbill, J., Kirshtein, J.D., Butler, K., and Vaughn, J., 2009, Klamath River water quality data from Link River Dam to Keno Dam, Oregon, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2009-1105, 25 p.
[Online only at]

Sullivan, A.B., Deas, M.L., Asbill, J., Kirshtein, J.D., Butler, K., Wellman, R.W., Stewart, M.A., and Vaughn, J., 2008, Klamath River Water quality and acoustic Doppler current profiler data from Link River Dam to Keno Dam, 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2008-1185, 24 p.
[Online only at]


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