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Upper Klamath and Lost River Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling

Models and Model Animations

Note: Models released in 2022 and later will be hosted at USGS ScienceBase.

Klamath Straits Drain

image: MI.jpg
Sunset at Miller Island boat dock
(Photo by S. Poulson, UNR, 27-Jun-2007)
Models of the Klamath Straits Drain were constructed and calibrated by the U.S. Geological Survey for calendar years 2012-15 to support a study documented in this report. These models are available for download at the links below. These models are based on the June 13, 2016 release of version 4.0 of the CE-QUAL-W2 model.

Klamath River, Link River to Keno Dam

Models of the Klamath River from Link River to Keno Dam were constructed and calibrated by the U.S. Geological Survey for calendar years 2006-09. These models support the analysis and results that are documented in the project reports. The latest version of the model is documented in the following report:

Sullivan, A.B., Rounds, S.A., Asbill-Case, J.R., and Deas, M.L., 2013, Macrophyte and pH buffering updates to the Klamath River water-quality model upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5016, 52 p.
[Available online at]

The most recent models used in this study included small changes to a few boundary conditions. Those models are the ones used to run a set of model scenarios, as documented in:

Sullivan, A.B., Sogutlugil, I.E., Rounds, S.A., and Deas, M.L., 2013, Modeling the water-quality effects of changes to the Klamath River upstream of Keno Dam, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5135, 60 p.
[Available online at]

These Link River to Keno Dam models are available for download at the links below. These models are based on the November 2010 release of version 3.6 of the CE-QUAL-W2 model.

Klamath River, Link-to-Keno Drawdown

Model scenarios for a hypothetical drawdown of the Link-to-Keno reach are documented in a report published in 2020:

Sullivan, A.B. and Rounds, S.A., 2020, Modeling a 2- and 4-foot drawdown in the Link River to Keno Dam reach of the Upper Klamath River, south-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5001, 18 p.
[Available online at]

These Keno-drawdown models are available for download at the links below. These models are based on the November 2010 release of version 3.6 of the CE-QUAL-W2 model.

Link River

Models of Link River from Link Dam on the outlet of Upper Klamath Lake to the start of the Klamath River were documented in a 2016 report:

Sullivan, A.B., and Rounds, S.A., 2016, Modeling water quality, temperature, and flow in Link River, south-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1146, 31 p.
[Available online at]

Older Models

The Link River to Keno Dam models developed and used in the updated calibration report (see are available for download at the links below.

For the sake of documenting the Link River to Keno Dam models used for the original calibration from 2011 (see, those models also are available for download at the links below. Note, however, that these older models have been superseded by the ones above, and the pH results from the older models are not considered to be calibrated.

Animations of model output from year 2007 were created to help visualize the patterns, dynamics, and characteristics of selected water-quality parameters. The animations show a longitudinal slice along the downstream axis of the Klamath River from Link River (at the far right) to Keno Dam (at the far left), where colors in the animation illustrate temperatures or concentrations according to a color scale at the upper right. The animations are available for download here:

If you don't have a movie player that allows fine control over frame advancement and reverse, you might consider obtaining one. For the Mac and Windows environments, you might try the free QuickTime viewer from Apple. For Unix systems, one option is the free xanim viewer.

Compiler Options

The model executable included in the model packages above (w2_generic_b.exe) was compiled from the November 2010 Release of the version 3.6 CE-QUAL-W2 generic source code using the following Intel Visual Fortran compiler options. These options are the ones recommended in the CE-QUAL-W2 manual with the addition of the /fp:precise switch to force consistency in floating-point calculations.

For most modules, the following compiler options were used:

   /nologo /O3 /Og /Qparallel /real_size:64 /module:"Release\\" /object:"Release\\"
   /libs:static /threads /winapp /fp:precise /c
   /nologo /O3 /Og /Qparallel /real_size:64 /module:"Release\\" /object:"Release\\"
   /libs:static /threads /winapp /fp:precise /c /Qopenmp
For only the WATER-QUALITY subroutine:
   /nologo /Og /Qparallel /real_size:64 /module:"Release\\" /object:"Release\\"
   /libs:static /threads /winapp /fp:precise /c
Note that the library file libiomp5md.dll must be kept in the same folder as the executable.


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Page Last Modified: Saturday - Jul 6, 2024 at 14:46:12 EDT