Yakima NAWQA
If you have questions or comments about the Yakima NAWQA study, please contact: Greg Fuhrer Yakima NAWQA Project Chief U.S. Geological Survey 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Dr Portland, OR 97216 gjfuhrer@usgs.gov (503) 251-3231 |
Synoptic Sampling DataAugust 1999 Basinwide sampling of surface-water sites and wastewater discharges was conducted August 2-6, 1999. Samples were collected from 34 sites throughout the basin, which included 7 main-stem sites, 15 tributaries, 2 reference sites, 8 wastewater-treatment plants and 2 drinking-water intakes. Download August 1999 synoptic-network data. (Data will be displayed in another window.) NOTE: Links to data from other synoptic samplings will be added as the data are quality-assured and entered into the NWISWeb database. |