Yakima NAWQA
If you have questions or comments about the Yakima NAWQA study, contact: Greg Fuhrer Yakima NAWQA Project Chief U.S. Geological Survey 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Dr Portland, OR 97216 gjfuhrer@usgs.gov (503) 251-3231 |
Yakima Basin NAWQA PublicationsU.S. Geological Survey ReportsGeneral McKenzie, S.W., and Rinella, J.F., 1987, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--Project description: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-238, 35 p. McKenzie, S.W., and Curtiss, D.A., 1989, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--A pilot study: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-60 [pamphlet]. Rinella, J.F., McKenzie, S.W., and Fuhrer, G.J., 1992, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--Analysis of available water-quality data through 1985 water year: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-453, 244 p. Rinella, J.F., McKenzie, S.W., and Fuhrer, G.J., 1992, Executive summary, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--Analysis of available water-quality data through 1985 water year: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-454, 15 p. Morace, J.L., Fuhrer, G.J., Rinella, J.F., McKenzie, S.W., and others, 1999, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--Overview of significant findings: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4113, 119 p. Pesticides Pankow, J.F., and McKenzie, S.W., 1991, Parameterizing the equilibrium distribution of chemicals between the dissolved, solid particulate matter, and colloidal matter compartments in aqueous systems: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 25, p. 2046-2053. Rinella, J.F., McKenzie, S.W., Crawford, J.K., Foreman, W.T., Gates, P.M., Fuhrer, G.J., and Janet, M.L., 1992, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--Pesticide and other trace-organic-compound data for water, sediment, soil, and aquatic biota, 1987-91: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-644, 154 p. Foster, G.D., Gates, P.M., Foreman, W.T., McKenzie, S.W., and Rinella, F.A., 1993, Determination of dissolved-phase pesticides in surface water from the Yakima River basin, Washington, using the Goulden large-sample extractor and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 27, p. 1911-1917. Washington State Department of Health, 1993, DDT in bottom fish from the Yakima River: Washington Department of Health, Office of Toxic Substances [pamphlet]. Rinella, J.F., Hamilton, P.A., and McKenzie, S.W., 1993, Persistence of the DDT pesticide in the Yakima River Basin, Washington--U.S. Geological Circular 1090, 24 p. Foreman, W.T., and Gates, P.M., 1997, Matrix-enhanced degradation of p,p' -DDT during gas chromatographic analysis--A consideration: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 31, p. 905-910. Rinella, J.F., McKenzie, S.W., Crawford, J.K., Foreman, W.T., Fuhrer, G.J., and Morace, J.L., 1999, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--Distribution of pesticides and other organic compounds in water, sediment, and aquatic biota, 1987-91: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2354-B, 180 p. Ebbert, J.C., and Embrey, S.S., 2002, Pesticides in surface water of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000--Their occurrence and an assessment of factors affecting concentrations and loads: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4211, 49 p. Abstract and link to online version Metals Ryder, J.L., Sanzolone, R.F., Fuhrer, G.J., and Mosier, E.L., 1992, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin in Washington--Chemical analyses of major, minor, and trace elements in fine-grained streambed sediment: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-520, 60 p. Fuhrer, G.J., Fluter, S.L., McKenzie, S.W., Rinella, J. F., Crawford, J. K., Cain, D. J., Hornberger, M.I., Bridges, J.L., and Skach, K.A., 1994, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin in Washington--Major- and minor-element data for water, sediment, and aquatic biota, 1987-91: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-308, 223 p. Fuhrer, G.J., McKenzie, S.W., Rinella, J. F., Sanzolone, R. F., and Skach, K.A., 1994, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin in Washington--Analysis of major and minor elements in fine-grained streambed sediment, 1987, with a section on Geology, by Marshall W. Gannett.: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-30, 226 p. Fuhrer, G.J., McKenzie, S.W., Rinella, J.F., and Skach, K.A., 1997, Effect of geology and human activities on the distribution of trace elements in water, sediment, and aquatic biota, Yakima River Basin, Washington (1987 to 1991), chap. 14 in Laenen, A., and Dunnette, D.A., eds., River Quality--Dynamics and Restoration: New York, Lewis Publishers, p. 187-204. Fuhrer, G.J., Cain, D.J., McKenzie, S.W., Rinella, J.F., Crawford, J.K., Skach, K.A., and Hornberger, M.I., 1998, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin in Washington--Spatial and temporal distribution of trace elements in water, sediment, and aquatic biota, 1987-91: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2354-A, 190 p. [published previously as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-440]. Hughes, C.A., 2003, Occurrence and Distribution of Dissolved Trace Elements in the Surface Waters of the Yakima River Basin, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4177, 76 p. Abstract and link to online version Ecology Leland, H.V., 1995, Distribution of phytobenthos in the Yakima River basin, Washington, in relation to geology, land use, and other environmental factors: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 52, p. 1108-1129. Cuffney, T.F., Meador, M.R., Porter, S.D., and Gurtz, M.E., 1997, Distribution of fish, benthic invertebrate, and algal communities in relation to physical and chemical conditions, Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4280, 94 p. Carter, J.L., Fend, S.V., and Kennelly, S.S., 1996, The relationships among three habitat scales and stream benthic invertebrate community structure: Freshwater Biology, v. 35, p. 281-299. Bacteria Embrey, S.S., 1992, Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington--Areal distribution of fecal-indicator bacteria, July 1988: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-4073, 34 p. Morace, J.L., and McKenzie, S.W., 2002, Fecal-Indicator Bacteria in the Yakima River Basin, Washington--An Examination of 1999 and 2000 Synoptic-Sampling Data and their Relation to Historical Data: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4054, 31p. , 1 plate. |