Temperature Effects of Point Sources, Riparian Shading, and Dam Operations on the Willamette RiverTrading Tool -- Test Trade #3The predictions of the Willamette Point-Source Heat-Trading Tool were verified with several test cases. In test case 3, the discharge from the Cottage Grove wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was eliminated (source strength = 0.0), the discharge from the Salem WWTP was decreased by 20 percent (source strength = 0.8), and the discharges for the cities of Newberg and Wilsonville were both doubled (source strength = 2.0). The predictions of the Trading Tool were compared against the results of the Willamette flow and temperature models for the same hypothetical conditions. The figure below shows the results of that comparison, as well as a comparison to the baseline fully allocated condition. Note that this test case is purely hypothetical. This test was conducted solely to evaluate the accuracy of the Trading Tool's predictions for a set of potential heat-allocation trades. The results of these evaluations are documented more fully in an available report. The predictions of the Trading Tool typically were accurate to within
about 0.005 degrees Celsius. The Trading Tool may be downloaded from
the following links:
Please note that the "professional" version is identical to version 1.5 but has one additional feature (two-site trade charts). Use of that feature should be avoided unless you have had specific instruction in how to use it properly.