Fall 2010 Seminar Series Schedule
Seminars are usually held on Tuesdays from noon to 1 pm.
The seminars are informal and are open to the public. Bring your lunch.
The USGS Oregon Water Science Center office is located in Portland at
2130 SW 5th Ave. Directions to the USGS office are posted
The USGS Portland Seminar Series has an
online mailing list. If you would like to
be notified of upcoming seminars via email, then you should sign up!
The list also will be used to notify its members of seminar cancellations
or other schedule changes.
Note: The following schedule is subject to change. Please
check this page or call 503-251-3200 prior to attending a seminar. If you
wish to post a copy of this schedule in your office, a PDF of the schedule
can be downloaded from
Tuesday September 21 Noon to 1 pm |
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
Stephen Zylstra
Regional Landscape Conservation Manager
US Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Region Office, Portland, OR
[details on LCCs from USFWS]
[general info on LCCs]
Tuesday September 28 Noon to 1 pm |
Heterogeneous Occupancy of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Waters
of North America
Tara Chestnut
Student Ecologist USGS Oregon Water Science Center Portland, OR
[professional page]
[more info
on chytrid fungus]
Tuesday October 5 Noon to 1 pm |
Impact of Groundwater Pumping vs. a Large Upstream Dam on Streamflows and
Temperature Under Varying Climate
John Risley
Research Hydrologist USGS Oregon Water Science Center Portland, OR
[professional page]
[research paper]
Thursday October 14 Noon to 1 pm |
Nitrogen Dynamics and Hydrochemical Impacts of Rain-fed Agriculture:
Case of the Palouse
Kent Keller
Professor, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
[professional page]
[relevant paper]
Tuesday October 19
12:45 to 1:45 pm |
From Buckets to Clouds: Building Better Environmental Models for Today's Decision-Making
Randy Hunt
Research Hydrologist USGS Wisconsin Water Science Center Middleton, WI
[professional page]
["buckets" of parameters paper]
[cloud computing paper]
Tuesday October 26 Noon to 1 pm |
Groundwater Resources of the Yakima River Basin
Matt Ely
Hydrologist USGS Washington Water Science Center Tacoma, WA
Tuesday November 2 Noon to 1 pm |
Measuring Stream Metabolism with a Tracer: Resazurin as a "Smart"
Tracer for Metabolic Activity
Roy Haggerty
Professor, Department of Geosciences Oregon State University Corvallis, OR
[professional page]
Tuesday November 9 Noon to 1 pm |
Occurrence, Fate, and Effects of Current-Use Pesticides in the Aquatic
Kathy Kuivila
Research Hydrologist USGS California Water Science Center
Sacramento, CA
[pesticide fate research program]
Tuesday November 16 Noon to 1 pm |
Basin-Wide Distributed Modeling of Hydrologic Responses to Irrigation
Management in the Wood River Basin, Klamath County, OR
Joshua Owens
Master of Science student, Water Resources Engineering
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
[masters thesis]
Week of November 22
no seminar
Tuesday November 30 Noon to 1 pm |
Use of Continuous Monitors and Autosamplers to Predict Unmeasured
Water-Quality Constituents in Tributaries of the Tualatin River
Chauncey Anderson
Hydrologist, USGS Oregon Water Science Center Portland, OR
[professional page]
Tuesday December 7 Noon to 1 pm |
Integration of Wellbore and Geophysical Data for Evaluation of Sequestration
Potential in Continental Flood Basalts: The Big Sky Wallula Basalt Pilot
Charlotte Sullivan
Senior Research Scientist Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA
Wednesday December 15 Noon to 1 pm |
The Role of Zooplankton Grazing on Noxious Cyanobacteria Blooms in Vancouver
Lake, WA
Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens
Clinical Associate Professor, School of Earth & Environmental Science
Washington State University, Vancouver, WA
[professional page]