7-Days of Data for Wapato Creek at Gaston Road (14202650)Data are downloaded and processed multiple times each day. The Wapato Creek at Gaston Road site is located just downstream of the Wapato Lake pumphouse. Data are collected every 30 minutes. Periods with no data are plotted as grey areas. These data are provisional and are subject to revision. Water TemperatureGraph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:39 EST Specific ConductanceGraph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:34 EST pHGraph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:38 EST Dissolved OxygenIn the graph below, "Data" are the raw data, "No supersat." are the half-hourly data with a ceiling of 100% saturation, "7-day mean min" represents the 7-day running average of daily minima with no credit for supersaturation, and "30-day mean" is the 30-day running average with no credit for supersaturation. The red line will often plot on top of the black one. If the 7-day or 30-day lines are not plotted, it is due to missing data in that period. "Saturation" represents the 100% saturation value for dissolved oxygen. Graph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:35 EST Oxygen Percent SaturationData in the graph are plotted against the axis of the same color. Percent saturation is estimated as a function of water temperature and barometric pressure at the Oswego Dam site. Graph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:35 EST TurbidityTurbidity data are measured in FNU units. Graph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:39 EST Chlorophyll FluorescenceThe chlorophyll fluorescence sensor provides an estimate of the amount of chlorophyll pigment found in algae based on a fluorescence response. Graph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:36 EST Phycocyanin FluorescenceThe phycocyanin fluorescence sensor provides an estimate of the amount of phycocyanin pigment found in blue-green algae based on a fluorescence response. Graph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:37 EST Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (fDOM)The fDOM signal provides an estimate of the concentration of dissolved organic matter in the river. Graph updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2025 17:00:40 EST