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7-Days of Dissolved Oxygen at River Mile 24.5 of Tualatin River (14206694)

Site has been removed for the winter high-flow season. Look for it to be reinstalled in April of 2025.

This monitor is located in the Tualatin River at river mile 24.5. Data are collected on the half hour. In the graph below, "Data" are the raw data, "No supersat." are the half-hourly data with a ceiling of 100% saturation, "7-day mean min" represents the 7-day running average of daily minima with no credit for supersaturation, and "30-day mean" is the 30-day running average with no credit for supersaturation. The red line will often plot on top of the black one. If the 7-day or 30-day lines are not plotted, it is due to missing data in that period. "Saturation" represents the 100% saturation value for dissolved oxygen.

These data are provisional and are subject to revision.

Graph updated: Thursday - Mar 13, 2025 at 23:00:21 EDT

graph of dissolved oxygen


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Page Last Modified: Thursday - May 16, 2024 at 10:48:25 EDT