30-Days of Dissolved Oxygen for Beaverton Creek at 170th Avenue (453004122510301)Data are downloaded and processed every 4 hours. This monitor is located in Beaverton Creek at 170th Avenue. Data are collected every half hour. In the graph below, "Data" are the raw data, "No supersat." are the half-hourly data with a ceiling of 100% saturation, "7-day mean min" represents the 7-day running average of daily minima with no credit for supersaturation, and "30-day mean" is the 30-day running average with no credit for supersaturation. The red line will often plot on top of the black one. If the 7-day or 30-day lines are not plotted, it is due to missing data in that period. "Saturation" represents the 100% saturation value for dissolved oxygen. These data are provisional and are subject to revision. Graph updated: Friday - Mar 14, 2025 at 04:59:20 EDT