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USGS Winter 2014 Seminar Series Schedule
Oregon Water Science Center

Seminars this winter are usually held on Tuesdays from noon to 1 pm. The seminars are informal and are open to the public. Bring your lunch. The USGS Oregon Water Science Center office is located in Portland at 2130 SW 5th Ave. Directions to the USGS office are posted at

If you would like to be notified of upcoming seminars via email, then please sign up for the online mailing list at: The online mailing list also will be used to notify its members of seminar cancellations or other schedule changes.

Note: The following schedule is subject to change. Please check this page or call 503-251-3200 prior to attending a seminar. This schedule can be downloaded here.

*Disclaimer -- The research, opinions, and materials expressed by presenters are solely of the individuals and are not reflective of the Oregon Water Science Center, the U.S. Geological Survey, or the U.S. Department of the Interior.

January 7
Noon to 1 pm

Asset Management Principles within the Urban Hydrologic Envelope: Risk Assessment, Alternatives Analysis, and Business Case Evaluation

Ruben Gonzalez-Crumley

Engineering Associate
City of Portland, OR / Bureau of Environmental Services

January 14
Noon to 1 pm

Foodweb Transfer, Sediment Transport, and Biological Impacts of Emerging and Legacy Organic Contaminants in the Lower Columbia River: USGS Contaminants and Habitat (ConHab) Project

Elena Nilsen

Research Chemist
USGS Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR
[professional page]

January 21
Noon to 1 pm

Hydrology of Beaver Creek Estuary near Newport, Oregon

Glen Hess

USGS Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR

January 28
Noon to 1 pm

Changing Tides, Constant Sea Level: Comparing the19th and 21st century Lower Columbia River Estuary

Dr. Stefan Talke

Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University
[professional page]

February 4
Noon to 1 pm

From Forest to Faucet: Source Water Protection as Regulatory Compliance in the Bull Run Watershed

Richard Robbins

Senior Water Resources Program Manager (Retired)
Portland Water Bureau

February 11
Noon to 1 pm

Development of an Oregon Interagency Rapid Assessment Flooding Tool (RAFT)

Ryan Cahill

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland, OR

February 18
Noon to 1 pm

Life History Diversity and Habitat Use of Spring Chinook Salmon in the Willamette River Basin

Kirk Schroeder

Research Biologist (Retired)
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

February 25
Noon to 1 pm

Examining Potential Impacts of Climate Change, Specifically Hydrologic Disturbances and Elevated CO2, on Mosquito Populations

Cassandra Smith

USGS Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR

March 4
Noon to 1 pm

The Many Uses of Tidal Data, from Hindcasting San Francisco Bay Inflow to Understanding the Hurricane Sandy Storm Surge in New York Harbor

David Jay

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Portland State University

March 11
Noon to 1 pm

Investigating the Sources of Water to Supplemental Irrigation Wells in the Tule Lake Subbasin, Oregon and California

Esther Pischel

Hydrologist (Student Trainee)
USGS Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, OR

March 18
Noon to 1 pm

Developing Intelligent, Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Research in the Geosciences

Jonathan Glen

Research Geophysicist
USGS Geology, Minerals, Energy and Geophysics Science Center, Menlo Park, CA
[professional page]


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