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PSU/USGS/OSU Collaborative Spring 2015 Seminar Series Schedule

Hosted by PSU School of the Environment

Seminars this spring are held on Tuesdays from 4 to 5 pm in Cramer Hall, Room 53 on PSU campus. The seminars are informal and are open to the public.

If you would like to be notified of upcoming seminars via email, then please sign up for the online mailing list at: The online mailing list also will be used to notify its members of seminar cancellations or other schedule changes.

Note: The following schedule is subject to change. Please check this page, email Max Rudolph (Geology), or call 503.725.3022 prior to attending a seminar. This schedule can be downloaded here.

*Disclaimer -- The research, opinions, and materials expressed by presenters are solely of the individuals and are not reflective of the Oregon Water Science Center, the U.S. Geological Survey, or the U.S. Department of the Interior.


March 31
4 to 5pm

Willamette Water 2100: Anticipating Water Scarcity and Informing an Integrative Water System Response in the Pacific Northwest

Roy Haggerty

Oregon State University

April 7
4 to 5pm

Hydrologic responses to climate change: considering geographic context and alternative hypotheses

Julia Jones

Oregon State University

April 14
4 to 5pm

Where’s Water?: Integrating geology with hydrology to improve predictions of future streamflows in the western US

Gordon Grant

Oregon State University/U.S. Forest Service

April 21
4 to 5pm

Flood-induced ecohydrological patterns and processes in coastal lowlands

Kevan Moffett

Washington State University

April 28
4 to 5pm

Title To Be Determined

Alex Sifford

Sifford Energy Services

May 5
4 to 5pm

Connections in the hydrologic cycle: how anthropogenic stresses impact feedbacks, sensitivity and sustainability

Reed Maxwell

Colorado School of Mines

May 12
4 to 5pm

The Platform for Regional Integrated Modeling and Analysis (PRIMA) -- Exploring the Climate-Energy-Water-Land Nexus.

Jennie Rice

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

May 19
4 to 5pm

To Be Determined

David Hill

Oregon State University

May 26
4 to 5pm

Evaluating the Competitive Use of the Subsurface: The Influence of Energy Storage and Production in Groundwater

Rainer Helmig - Darcy Lecturer

June 2
4 to 5pm

Title To Be Determined

Noah Molotch

University of Colorado Boulder

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