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USGS Fall 2015 Seminar Series Schedule
Oregon Water Science Center

Seminars this spring are usually held on Tuesdays from noon to 1 pm. The seminars are informal and are open to the public. Bring your lunch. The USGS Oregon Water Science Center office is located in Portland at 2130 SW 5th Ave. Directions to the USGS office are posted at

If you would like to be notified of upcoming seminars via email, then please sign up for the online mailing list at: The online mailing list also will be used to notify its members of seminar cancellations or other schedule changes.

Note: The following schedule is subject to change. Please check this page or call 503-251-3200 prior to attending a seminar. This schedule can be downloaded here.

*Disclaimer -- The research, opinions, and materials expressed by presenters are solely of the individuals and are not reflective of the Oregon Water Science Center, the U.S. Geological Survey, or the U.S. Department of the Interior.


September 29
12 to 1pm

Art Geomorphology: The disciplined creation of art as geomorphologic science

Jay Stratton Noller

Professor and Department Head at Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University

October 6
12 to 1pm

Will the Mixing Regime of Crater Lake, Oregon Change in a Future Climate?

Tammy Wood

Hydrologist, Oregon Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey

October 13
12 to 1pm

The Dammed Mekong

Janine Castro

Geomorphologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

October 16
12 to 1pm

Application of Multidimensional Modeling to Peak Flood Flow Estimation

Francisco Simões

Research Hydrologist, National Research Program, U.S. Geological Survey

October 20
12 to 1pm

Forensic Hydrogeography: Assessing Arsenic Concentrations and Testing Methods Within the Harney Basin, Oregon.

Lauren Smitherman

Water Resources Graduate Program, Oregon State University

October 27
12 to 1pm

Volunteering with Engineers Without Borders: My Experiences in Ethiopia and Nicaragua

Paul Pedone

Geologist with Natural Resources Conservation Service; Volunteer with Engineers without Borders

November 3
12 to 1pm

The 2014-15 West Coast Drought: Why Did It Happen? How Long Until It Happens Again?

Phil Mote

Director of Oregon Climate Change Research Institute and Oregon Climate Services; Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University

November 10
12 to 1pm

Linking Geomorphic Process and Landscape Form: Analog Experiments and Topographic Analysis

Kristin Sweeney

Ph.D. graduate in Geomorphology at University of Oregon; Post-doc at Cascades Volcano Observatory, U.S. Geological Survey

November 17
12 to 1pm

Watering the National Wildlife Refuges

Tim Mayer

Supervisory Hydrologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

November 24
12 to 1pm

Climate Change and Stream Temperature: Implications for Fish Habitat

Heejun Chang

Professor and Chair, Department of Geography, Portland State University

December 1
12 to 1pm

What Goes Around Comes Around: Chasing Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Western U.S.

Staci Simonich

Professor, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology and Chemistry Departments, Oregon State University

December 3
12 to 1pm

Water Resource Studies in the Pacific Islands

Steve Gingerich

Research Hydrologist, Oregon Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey

December 8
12 to 1pm

Habitat Restoration Targets for the Lower Columbia River Ecosystem -- How Much is Enough?

Catherine Corbett

Chief Scientist, Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership

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