- Clicking on a marker will open a popup with basic well information.
- Each well on the map is an actively monitored well. Active wells have been monitored within the past 2 water years.
- Clicking the Hydrograph link in the well popup will open a separate page displaying an interactive hydrograph of groundwater level data collected for this well.
- Clicking the Data Table link in the well popup will open a separate page showing a simple table of groundwater level data collected at this well.

Cluster Markers
- Cluster markers represent groups of wells that, at the current zoom level, would appear crowded on the map and overlap.
- The number inside each cluster icon represents the number of wells within the cluster group.
- Hovering over the cluster icon will show a polygon representing the geographic bounds of the wells in the cluster group
- Clicking on a cluster icon will recenter the map at the center of the cluster group and zoom in as far as possible while keeping all well sites within the cluster group on the map.

Layer Control
- The layer control, located in the upper right corner of the map, allows the user to have control over the display of basemap layers.
- Hovering your cursor over the layer control icon will open the control menu.
- By clicking the buttons in the control menu, you can choose the basemap layer for both the main map and the mini map.

Zoom Controls
- Single-level Zooming: To adjust zoom one level at a time, use the + and - buttons in the zoom control in the upper left corner of the map.
- Box Zooming: To zoom in on a rectangular area, press and hold the Shift key while drawing a box with your mouse. When you release the mouse button, the map will zoom in on the rectangular area drawn with the mouse.
- Advanced Options: The zoom level box, located in the upper left corner of the map, displays the current zoom level and cursor coordinates. Hovering your cursor over the zoom level box displays the following zooming options:
- Scrollwheel Zooming: By default, scrollwheel zooming with the mouse is enabled. To turn this feature on and off, choose the "Scrollwheel Zoom" option.
- Minimum Scale Zooming: To zoom to the minimum map scale focused on the current map position, choose the "Zoom to Minimum Scale" option. When this option is selected, the map will zoom in as far as possible on the current center point of the map.
- Maintaining Bounds: To maintain a particular map view for multiple change maps, choose the "Maintain Current Map Bounds" option. When this option is selected, only the current map view will be shown at the current zoom level when clicking "Show Results" or "Reset Map".

Index Map
- The index map, located in the bottom right corner of the main map, shows a view of the regional area outside of the main map view.
- The index map has the same dragging and basemap options as the main map, although individual marker locations will not be shown. Zoom options for the index map are limited to single-level, scrollwheel and box zooming.
- The orange and blue rectangles show the main map view and the bounds of the study area, respectively. If the two rectangles overlap in the index map, the study area will be viewable on the main map.
- The index map can be minimized using the arrow icon
in its lower right corner.

Geo-locator Tool
- The geo-locator, located to the right of the zoom controls, allows you to customize the map view using custom location information. You may enter a city name, street address, intersection, or longitude and latitude.
"Klamath Falls, Oregon"
"120 N Williams Ave, Klamath Falls, OR"
"-121.623103, 41.953825"
- This tool is especially useful if you have a well on or near your property but don't know specific well information.
Drawing Tools
- The drawing tool control, located along the right edge of the map, allows the user to measure areas and distances of interest.
- To draw a shape on the map, click on the shape of interest in the drawing tool control. The top three buttons are shape options, the lower two buttons are editing options. Once a shape option is selected, use your mouse to draw a shape directly on the map, following the instructions shown in a grey box above your cursor.
- Once a shape is created, it will remain in the same location on the map until the user deletes or edits it. Click on the shape at any time to view a popup with area or distance information.
- To edit a shape, click on the edit button
and drag the handles to adjust shape size and location. Handles are small white boxes located in the center and along outer edges or corners of the shape. When finished editing, click "Save".
- To delete a shape, click the delete button
, click on the shapes you want to delete, then click "Save".