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Oregon Water Science Center

Columbia River Basalt Stratigraphy in Oregon

In Cooperation with the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)

Table of Geologic Units for Site WA 460014118281805

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USGS Site ID: Site identification number permanently assigned to the well by the U.S. Geological Survey and recorded in National Water Information System (NWIS), a national computer database maintained by U.S. Geological Survey.

Well location: The system used for locating wells is based on the rectangular system for subdivision of public land. The State is divided into 36 square mile townships numbered according to their location relative to the east-west Willamette baseline and a north-south Willamette meridian. The position of a township is given by its north-south "Township" position relative to the baseline and its east-west "Range" position relative to the meridian. Each township is divided into 36 sections approximately 1-square-mile (640-acre) in area and numbered from 1 to 36. For example, a well designated as 01S/03E-33DCA is located in Township 1 south, Range 3 east, section 33. The letters following the section number correspond to the location within the section; the first letter (D) identifies the quarter section (160 acres); the second letter (C) identifies the quarter-quarter section (40 acres); and the third letter (A) identifies the quarter-quarter-quarter section (10 acres). Thus, well 33DCA is located in the NE quarter of the SW quarter of the SE quarter of section 33. Sorted on this item.

Sequence Number: Sequence number assigned to identify a record.

Depth to Top of Interval: The depth to the top of this unit, in feet below land surface.

Depth to Bottom of Interval: The depth to the bottom of this unit, in feet below land surface. This field should be specified for all units, except the last one in the hole.

Unit code: The name of aquifer or geologic unit stored by the U.S. Geological Survey in National Water Information System (NWIS), a national computer database maintained by U.S. Geological Survey.

Lithology code: The principal lithology of this unit stored by the U.S. Geological Survey in National Water Information System (NWIS), a national computer database maintained by U.S. Geological Survey.

Description of material: The adjective modifier to describe the rock type.

--, no data/unknown.

USGS Site ID Well location Sequence Number Depth to Top of Interval Depth to Bottom of Interval Unit code Lithology code Description of material
460014118281805 06N/35E-18A05 1 0 260 GLACIO-FLUVIATILE Gravel --
460014118281805 06N/35E-18A05 2 260 709 RINGOLD FORMATION Clay --
460014118281805 06N/35E-18A05 3 709 830 SADDLE MOUNTAINS BASALT OF YAKIMA BASALT Basalt --
460014118281805 06N/35E-18A05 4 830 -- WANAPUM BASALT OF YAKIMA BASALT Basalt --

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 09-Jan-2013 18:49:16 EST