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Table of Whole-Rock Geochemistry for Site UMAT 54686


In Cooperation with the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)

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USGS Site ID: Site identification number permanently assigned to the well by the U.S. Geological Survey and recorded in National Water Information System (NWIS), a national computer database maintained by U.S. Geological Survey.

Well Log ID: Unique identifier combining a four-letter county-code and a well-log number with up to 6 digits, which is assigned to the well when a water well report is filed by the well driller with the Oregon Water Resources Department and recorded in Ground Water Resource Information Distribution (GRID), a statewide computer database maintained by Oregon Water Resources Department.

Sample Depth: The depth to the sample collection, in feet below land surface.

Unit code: The name of aquifer or geologic unit stored by the U.S. Geological Survey in National Water Information System (NWIS), a national computer database maintained by U.S. Geological Survey.

Major and trace elements: Major elements are listed in weight percent concentration and trace elements are listed in parts per million concentration. One percent equals 10,000 parts per million.

--, no data/unknown.

ND, non-detect

NA, not analysed

USGS Site ID 455653118244901
Well Log ID UMAT 54686
Sample Depth 280
Major Element Oxides (weight percent concentration):
SIO2 51.3259281497048
TIO2 3.14620234163915
AL2O3 12.9390573401381
FEO --
FE2O3 15.8010607425198
MNO 0.199139397578305
CAO 7.77544280996698
MGO 3.85269688782148
K2O 1.4209946962874
NA2O 2.96207345141599
P2O5 0.580406284399079
TOTAL 100.003002101471
Trace Element (parts per million concentration):
RB --
SR 307
SN --
Y 40
ZR 197
BE 2
V 453
NI 14.21176236851
CR 20
NB --
GA --
CU 23.5776057355187
ZN 146.110689351978
CO --
BA 611
LA 24.8
CE 48
U --
TH 4.1
SC 34.7
PB --
AU --
AS --
BR --
IR --
MO --
SB --
SE --
TA --
W --
TB --
AG --
CD --
BI --
CS --
HF 4.3
ND 23
SM 7.4
EU 2.2
YB 3.5
LU 0.52

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