Well location: The system used for locating wells is based on the rectangular system for subdivision of public land. The State is divided into 36 square mile townships numbered according to their location relative to the east-west Willamette baseline and a north-south Willamette meridian. The position of a township is given by its north-south "Township" position relative to the baseline and its east-west "Range" position relative to the meridian. Each township is divided into 36 sections approximately 1-square-mile (640-acre) in area and numbered from 1 to 36. For example, a well designated as 01S/03E-33DCA is located in Township 1 south, Range 3 east, section 33. The letters following the section number correspond to the location within the section; the first letter (D) identifies the quarter section (160 acres); the second letter (C) identifies the quarter-quarter section (40 acres); and the third letter (A) identifies the quarter-quarter-quarter section (10 acres). Thus, well 33DCA is located in the NE quarter of the SW quarter of the SE quarter of section 33. Sorted on this item. Well Log ID: Unique identifier combining a four-letter county-code and a well-log number with up to 6 digits, which is assigned to the well when a water well report is filed by the well driller with the Oregon Water Resources Department and recorded in Ground Water Resource Information Distribution (GRID), a statewide computer database maintained by Oregon Water Resources Department. USGS Site ID: Site identification number permanently assigned to the well by the U.S. Geological Survey and recorded in National Water Information System (NWIS), a national computer database maintained by U.S. Geological Survey. Water level: Static water level, in feet below land surface, - indicates water level above land surface. Measuring status: The status of the site at the time the water level was measured; D, the site was dry (no water level is recorded); E, the site was flowing recently; F, the site was flowing; G, a nearby site was flowing; H, A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been flowing recently; I, injector site (recharge water being injected into the aquifer); P, the site was being pumped; R, the site was pumped recently; S, a nearby site was being pumped; T, a nearby site had been pumped recently; V, foreign substance was present on the surface of the water; W, the well was destroyed; Z, other conditions. Measuring method: A, Airline measurement; B, Analog, graphic, or digital recorder; C, Calibrated airline measurement; E, estimated; G, Pressure-gage measurement; H, Calibrated pressure-gage measurement; M, Manometer measurement; R, Reported, method not known (generally by driller); S, Steel-tape measurement; T, Electic-tape measurement; V, Calibrated electic-tape measurement; Z, Other. Measuring accuracy: 0, Water level accurate to nearest foot; 1, Water level accurate to nearest tenth of a foot; 2, Water level accurate to nearest one-hundredth of a foot; 3, Water level accurate not to nearest foot; Water level source: The code that best indicates the source of the water level data. A, Reported by another government agency; D, From driller's log or report; G, Private geologist-consultant or university associate; L, Depth interpreted from geophysical logs by personnel of source agency; M, Memory (owner, operate, driller) less reliable than D; O, Reported by the owner of the well; R, Reported by person other than the owner, driller, or another government agency; S, Measured by personnel of reporting agency; Measuring agency: The agency code of the person measuring the water level. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; OR004, OREGON WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, OR; OR009, OREGON STATE DEPT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE, OR; OR015, OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DIVISION, OR; OR016, OREGON DEPT OF GEOLOGY & MINERALS INDUSTRIES, OR; OR041, MULTINOMAH COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER, OR; OR055, OREGON STATE HEALTH DIVISION, OR; OR063, CONFED TRIBES WARM SPRINGS INDIAN RESERV, OR; OR064, CONFED TRIBES UMATILLA INDIAN RESERV, OR. --, no data. |
Well Location | Well Log ID | Site ID | Water Level (C242) | Measuring Date (C235) | Measuring Time (C709) | Measuring Status (C238) | Measuring Method (C239) | Measuring Accuracy (C276) | Water level source (C244) | Measuring Agency (C247) |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 5.16 | 05/17/2000 | -- | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 6.48 | 06/28/2000 | 15:28 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 6.55 | 07/11/2000 | 17:00 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 6.56 | 09/08/2000 | 12:38 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 7.59 | 11/07/2000 | 13:30 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 7.54 | 01/10/2001 | 13:25 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 7.51 | 03/07/2001 | 13:08 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 6.98 | 05/02/2001 | 16:35 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 7.05 | 07/18/2001 | 09:58 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 7.09 | 09/12/2001 | 10:05 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |
21.00S/10.00E-35CDC2 | DESC 53159 | 434213121295902 | 8.06 | 11/20/2001 | 14:37 | -- | V | 2 | S | -- |