USGS - science for a changing world

Oregon Water Science Center

Today's Rainfall at Fernwood School Rain Gage
3255 NE. Hancock St.

Disclaimer: Rainfall data on this page are raw and uncorrected from the City of Portland HYDRA network. These data have not received final approval and as such are provisional and subject to final revision. The data are released on the condition that neither the USGS, the United States Government, nor the City of Portland may be held liable for any damages resulting from their use. More information about the quality of precipitation data is available.

Time of Latest Reading Today's Total (inches)
27-Oct-2024, 16:27 1.15

The red bars are hourly rainfall data.
The blue line is the daily accumulation.
Any grey shaded areas represent missing data.
The magenta line represents the hour of the last data acquisition time.

graph of rainfall


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Page Last Modified: Monday - Feb 5, 2018 at 18:49:23 EST