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Oregon Water Science Center Hydrologic Data Program

Monthly Water Availability Report

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                        WATER AVAILABILITY REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2015
                                         -------------------   Change  ---------------------
                                             Monthly mean     in dis-    Accumulated Runoff
                                               discharge       charge      For the Period
                                         -------------------    from        Oct. to Oct.
                           NRCS            Cubic     Percent  previous ---------------------
                           SWSI          feet per      of      month          Percent
         Station           Basin          second     average (percent)      of average
   Donner Und Blitzen      Harney            29         64         0            64 
    nr Frenchglen

(*)Deep Creek              Lake              12         52       140            52       
    above Adel            County

(*)Chewaucan River         Lake              30         79        25            79
    near Paisley          County
   Williamson River       Klamath           516         85         6            85
    near Chiloquin

   Owyhee River           Owyhee            133         84        36            84
    near Rome

(*)NF Malheur River       Malheur            46         87        15            87                 
    near Beulah         

   Grande Ronde R       Grande Ronde        574         73        10            73
    at Troy             Powder/Burnt

   Umatilla River       Umatilla             47         90         4            90
    nr Gibbon           Lower John Day 

   John Day River       Upper John Day      214         57       155            57
    at Service Crk

(*)Little Deschutes        Upper             53         74       -58            74
    River nr LaPine      Deschutes
   Hood River           Lower Deschutes     336         75        31            75
    nr Hood River          Mt.Hood

   Willamette River       Willamette      7,019         56        16            56
    at Salem

   Wilson River            North            336         84       367            84         
    near Tillamook         Coast

   Umpqua River         Rogue/Umpqua        931         57         5            57        
    near Elkton

   Rogue River          Rogue/Umpqua      1,176         61       -18            61
    near Agness

   SF Coquille River    South Coast          20         15        11            15
    at Powers    

   Chetco River         South Coast         120         24        15            24
    near Brookings

  All data should be considered provisional and subject to revision.
  Percent of average computed using 30-year base period, water years 1981-2010.
  (*) provided by Oregon Water Resources Department                        


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Last modified Tuesday - Nov 10, 2015 at 17:18:14 EST
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