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Oregon District Hydrologic Data Program

Monthly Water Availability Report

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                     US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Oregon Water Science Center
                         WATER AVAILABILITY REPORT FOR MAY 2008                            
                                         -------------------   Change  ---------------------
                                             Monthly mean     in dis-    Accumulated Runoff
                                               discharge       charge      For the Period
                                         -------------------    from         Oct. to May
                           NRCS            Cubic     Percent  previous ---------------------
                           SWSI          feet per      of      month          Percent
         Station           Basin          second     average (percent)      of average
   Donner Und Blitzen      Harney           408        100       146            79 
    nr Frenchglen

(*)Deep Creek              Lake             460         98        47            69       
    above Adel            County

(*)Chewaucan River         Lake             554        105       130            75
    near Paisley          County
   Williamson River       Klamath         1,753        103        -2            75
    near Chiloquin

   Owyhee River           Owyhee          1,621         72       -45            61
    near Rome

   Malheur River          Malheur            70         29        67            29
    nr Vale (19yrs POR)

   Imnaha River         Grande Ronde      2,385        152       336            98   
    at Imnaha           Powder/Burnt

   Grande Ronde R       Grande Ronde     11,750        164       143            91
    at Troy             Powder/Burnt

   Umatilla River       Umatilla          1,062        238       149           104
    nr Gibbon           Lower John Day 

   John Day River       Upper John Day    9,402        178       121            94
    at Service Crk

(*)Little Deschutes        Upper            485        135       237            70
    River nr LaPine      Deschutes
   Hood River           Lower Deschutes   2,330        203       140            98
    nr Hood River          Mt.Hood

   Willamette River       Willamette     31,250        162        47            97
    at Salem

   Wilson River            North            646        106       -52           106         
    near Tillamook         Coast

   Umpqua River         Rogue/Umpqua      9,099        142         7           105        
    near Elkton

   Rogue River          Rogue/Umpqua      8,343        154        51            91
    near Agness

   Chetco River         South Coast         919         76       -46            91
    near Brookings

  All data should be considered provisional and subject to revision
  Percent of average computed using 30-year base period,wtr yrs 1971-2000,except where noted
  (*) provided by Oregon Water Resources Department                        


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