USGS - science for a changing world

Oregon Water Science Center

USGS Data Grapher & Data Tabler

From these web pages, you can create graphs and tables of streamflow and water-quality data from selected U.S. Geological Survey sites in the State of Oregon.

To proceed, choose whether you wish to create graphs or tables:

o Data Grapher
Create a time series or XY plot of data from one site at a time; up to 2 parameters per graph.
o Multiple-Parameter Data Grapher
Create individual time series plots of selected parameters from one site.
o Multiple-Site Data Grapher
Create a time series plot of a single parameter from multiple sites.
o Data Grapher, by Year
Compare time series of one parameter by month or by year.
o XY Data Grapher
Create XY plots of data from one site, and optionally highlight data by month or year or date range. Include percent saturation contours for plots of dissolved oxygen versus temperature.
o Two-Site Data Grapher
Create a time series or XY plot of data from up to two sites at a time; up to 2 parameters per graph.
o Three-Site Data Grapher
Create a time series plot of data from up to three sites at a time; up to 3 parameters per graph.
o Color Map Data Grapher
Create date/time color maps using data from one parameter at one site.
o Data Grapher with Percentiles
Create a time-series graph for one parameter at one site that includes historical data percentiles.
o Wind Rose Data Grapher
Create customized wind rose and wind-speed/wind-direction polar plots.
o Data Tabler
Create customized tables of data from a selected site.
o Inventory Tables
Create monthly or daily inventory tables of data from a selected site.

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Page Last Modified: Saturday - Apr 23, 2016 at 16:52:46 EDT