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Oregon Water Science Center Hydrologic Data Program

Monthly Water Availability Report

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                         WATER AVAILABILITY REPORT FOR AUGUST 2022
                                         -------------------   Change  ---------------------
                                             Monthly mean     in dis-    Accumulated Runoff
                                               discharge       charge      For the Period
                                         -------------------    from        Oct. to Aug.
                           NRCS            Cubic     Percent  previous ---------------------
                           SWSI          feet per      of      month          Percent
         Station           Basin          second     average (percent)      of average
   Donner Und Blitzen     Harney             31         69       -47            61
    nr Frenchglen

(*)Deep Creek              Lake               5         42       -38            50
    above Adel            County

(*)Chewaucan River         Lake              22         79       -29            61
    near Paisley          County
   Williamson River       Klamath           451         99        -2            63
    near Chiloquin

   Owyhee River           Owyhee            101         83       -28            60
    near Rome

(*)NF Malheur River       Malheur            44        100       -17            59
    near Beulah         

   Grande Ronde R       Grande Ronde        652         94       -75            97
    at Troy             Powder/Burnt

   Umatilla River        Umatilla            48        109       -35           107
    nr Gibbon           Lower John Day 

   John Day River       Upper John Day      105         73       -82            82
    at Service Crk

(*)Little Deschutes        Upper             63         45       -28            51
    River nr LaPine      Deschutes
   Hood River           Lower Deschutes     359        108       -39           105
    nr Hood River          Mt.Hood

   Willamette River      Willamette       6,920         97       -32           106
    at Salem

   Wilson River            North            100        110       -49           118
    near Tillamook         Coast

   Umpqua River         Rogue/Umpqua        989         85       -44            81
    near Elkton

   Rogue River          Rogue/Umpqua      2,410        104        -9            63
    near Agness

   SF Coquille River    South Coast          38        119       -55            86
    at Powers    

   Chetco River         South Coast         147        136       -57            87
    near Brookings

  All data should be considered provisional and subject to revision.
  Percent of average computed using 30-year base period, water years 1991-2020.
  (*) provided by Oregon Water Resources Department                        


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Last modified Friday - Sep 2, 2022 at 10:29:33 EDT
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